Thursday, April 19, 2018

Basics for Cleaning a Baby

As mothers will attest, it is very difficult cleaning a newborn baby or even one who has been around for few weeks or months. Cleanliness is one thing that is highly prioritized when dealing with babies even though they don’t like that. Should you sit down and watch as the baby smells because you don’t know where to start? You don’t have to and the following basic information will give you a guideline on how to do that stress-free. There is the question on how often a baby should be cleaned and it should not be that frequently. Regular bathing of a newborn baby can cause the skin to dry out quickly leading to cracks. That is a health hazard so you should not dare try it.

As long as the critical areas like face, genitals and neck are clean you don’t have to wash the baby regularly. Which is the right time to wash a baby; is it at night, in the morning or during the day? That is a critical query that you must get adequate answers to in avoiding doing the wrong thing. It will all be upon the mother of the baby to decide when it’s the ideal time for washing since there is no standard time that is recommended. You should settle on the time when you are free and enough spell is available. You should not wash your baby while on a rush as some of the smelly body parts might be overlooked.

In case you decide to wash the baby immediately after a meal, it should not be too immediate but after the stomach has settled down. Rushed washing might cause the baby to vomit. Whether the baby is newborn or is few weeks or months old, considering a baby tub is a good idea but you should choose the right type. Free-standing tubs made of plastic are the best for newborns while inflatable tubs and plastic basins are equally good. Regardless of the one you choose for your baby washing, the baby’s safety must be given top consideration. You are advised against leaving the baby to stay alone in the water as drowning is a fatal consequence.

The amount of water that you put in the tub is another debating point when it comes to washing a baby. There are those who recommend 2 or 3 inches but it should be enough to ensure the baby gets cleaned with ease and without drowning. You should use your own intelligence to make such a decision. Whether the water is half or full, the baby should be held with firm grips all the time washing is in progress as a precautionary measure. The water has to be warm regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. Sponge bath is also an ideal way of washing a baby but it’s very demanding requiring a soft towel, free hand, warm and flat surface as well as essential supplies like shampoo.

The post Basics for Cleaning a Baby appeared first on ParentsNeed.

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