Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Be Aware of the Pregnancy Symptoms by Week

Know what the pregnancy symptoms by week are so you can be ready for it. Pregnancy can be difficult but it is an important part of womanhood and can be beautiful too. Women need to enjoy pregnancy just as they enjoy every other part of their life. But to really enjoy it you need to understand what your body is doing and charting your pregnancy symptoms by week can help you understand your feelings and gives you and your baby something to refer back to when he is older. By registering the pregnancy symptoms by week you can check to see what is normal and what isn't. The following pregnancy chart can help you understand what you can expect from your pregnancy.

Reading a generalized pregnancy by week calendar can prepare you mentally for what your body will go through in that week. This way you don’t have to run to the doctor every time you get a strange feeling.

Week 1 and 2

Week one usually happens towards the end of the second week after your period. This is when you ovulate. You actually end up pregnant by the middle of the third week after your period. Some women have early signs of pregnancy like breast swelling, dizziness, and even morning sickness a week before their period is due.

Week 3

Some women may have implantation bleeding at this time. This is the point where the egg adheres to the uterus wall and may cause some blood spotting.

Pregnancy Week 5 through 8

At this point you notice a missed period and will start to feel pregnant. Your uterus tightens. You may feel the urge to urinate frequently, experience mood swings, nausea and breast swelling. By the 7th week your pregnancy is set. You will need to get medical testing to confirm the pregnancy but you are pretty sure you are pregnant.

Pregnancy Week 9 to Week 14

At this point you will start gaining weight and notice that you are urinating more frequently. The fetus is developing quickly and has developed most of its organs and limbs. Many of the early unpleasant pregnancy feelings will disappear. Morning sickness will disappear or reduce. The baby's heartbeat can be heard.

Pregnancy Weeks 15 to 23

This is the pleasant part of pregnancy. You feel good and happy. The early pregnancy symptoms are gone and your body is used to the changes. However, you are getting heavier and you must pay attention to the shoes you wear. Make sure they are flat and support your posture. Your baby now has hair, teeth and all of his organs. He is constantly growing.

Pregnancy Weeks 24 to 33

You may feel a few false contractions at this point. This is normal. It is your body preparing you for a normal delivery. This is a time to pamper yourself. Take lots of warm baths. Be careful with your backs and your knees. Be sure to elevate your feet as much as you can and be aware that your balance may not be what its used to.

Pregnancy Weeks 34 to 39

This is it, you are ready for it to be over with. Life seems to heavy and slow. You actually feel like a big fat cow and are ready for your baby to get here. The baby is fully developed and you wonder what is taking him so long. At this point if he were to be born a few weeks early, he would survive. Rest as much as possible, drink lots of liquids and get ready for labor.

Remember educating yourself on pregnancy and on the pregnancy by week symptoms can get you ready to bring a healthy baby into this world without fear. When you are unafraid you feel less pain and your baby benefits from your remaining calm too.

Week by Week - Mom & Baby Comparison

Pregnancy brings loads of surprises each week. It commences by the time you a got a positive results on your pregnancy test (or even earlier for some as a few of symptoms start to appear before a delayed period). Let this article be your guide as you cross out each symptom from the list every week in your calendar. You can take down notes of important milestones in your journal as the days go by:

early signs of pregnancy

At 4 to 8 weeks

Your body:

The symptoms are slowly taking center stage by now. The nauseated feeling is present especially when you smell something unpleasant. There’s also vomiting as pregnancy hormones are kicking in. Spotting and light discharge may be observed as the fertilized egg adheres to the uterine wall. The shifting hormone will cause mood swings day by day. You will also start to be dismayed by particular food and odor as your sense of smell will be elevated.

Your baby:

The embryo is so small at four weeks and can be seen only under a microscope. The ball of cells is aggressively dividing to form the neural tube which is the foundation of the backbone and brain. Your baby is settling in the new location, that is, the uterus. Your body is coordinating with all the nerves to prepare the system for what will take place in the coming months. Come 8 weeks, the taste buds on your baby’s tongue have developed.

Upon the doctor’s confirmation that you are pregnant, let the doctor prescribe prenatal vitamins and supplements that will prevent defects and lower the chances of miscarriage.​

At 9 to 13 weeks

Your body:

The raging hormones is keeping your mood to the extreme. The mood swings will go away once you enter the second trimester of the pregnancy. There will be constant urination and morning sickness day in and out.

Your baby:

At nine weeks, the embryo is now a fetus. Facial features will also start to form at this stage. The baby might have a heartbeat that is strong enough to be detected by the device called fetal doppler. The fetus inside your belly is slowly showing distinct human features. At week 13, baby’s teeth will start to develop as well as the vocal cords, intestines and fingerprints.

This can be an exciting time to visit the obstetrician as you and your partner will be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat during the ultrasound.

At 14 to 20 weeks

Your body:

Well done on overcoming the challenges of the first trimester! As the nasty symptoms subside, you will feel that your energy is back. However, there will be aches here and there as the body is stretching the muscles to give room to the growing fetus. Try to find time to sneak in short exercises for the arms and legs to minimize the pain. Hunger pangs are also in full swing during these weeks. Keep a balanced diet and avoid sugary stuff as these can lead to gestational diabetes.

Your baby:

The little one’s fingers and toes are fully formed. Imagine your baby thumb sucking inside your belly as he or she waits for the perfect time to say hello. The thin hair called lanugo is abundant all over your baby’s body at this point. This fine hair serves as a blanket that keeps the baby warm. Think now of fun and creative ways to announce your pregnancy to your family and friends.

Purchases For Mum - Pregnancy 1

At 21 to 27 weeks

Your body:

The bosom will start to leak milk from the 21st to the 27th week. The ducts where the milk will passed through is slowly coming into shape. These ducts will be fully formed as you hit the third trimester. There are occasional tightening of the uterus as the body practices for the incoming labor. Intermittent contractions referred to as Braxton Hicks are common during mid-pregnancy. These contractions tend to make the belly very hard or sometimes pointy. This is different from the labor contractions as these occur at irregular times. Real labor contractions are regular and intensifies by the minute.

As your bump grows bigger (your baby will be as large as a watermelon by the 9th month), the skin on the abdomen will turn dry and itchy, but please don’t give in to the temptation to scratch it! These stretch marks are the results of the stretched skin as the baby increases in size. To ease the itchy feeling, lather some lotion or oil on the stretch marks to keep them moist. There will also be frequent trips to the bathroom as your bladder is pressed by the growing baby. You might experience letting out some pee when you laugh, sneeze, or cough.​

Your baby:

At 27 week s, the baby’s lungs is capable of taking breaths on its own. Together with the lungs, the brain is also fast developing complex parts at this point. The baby’s limbs are big enough that you will feel the sudden kicks and movements. Gender reveal parties are becoming a fad these days. You can plan to organize one with friends and family. You can even ask a close friend to talk to the OB and conceal the information from you. Be surprised together with your loved ones when you find out the gender of the baby during the event.

At 28 to 35 weeks

Your body:

You are nearing your due date and you will have crazy sleeping patterns at this stage. You can use a body pillow which can offer support to your lower back as well as your backsides. Try to do power naps during the day to compensate the lost time that you should be sleeping. There is still the usual urge to urinate as the uterus is getting larger and larger and the bladder collides with it. You can start reading articles or books on breastfeeding latch and also invest on nursing-friendly clothing. Additionally, you can begin writing your birth plan, make lists of essentials to bring and pack in your hospital bag.

Your baby:

The baby’s gaining more and more weight and the wrinkled skin are starting to smoothen. The lungs are full-grown and the baby can freely inhale and exhale on its own. The baby’s hearing is fully mature and can respond to noises around. You can introduce your baby to prenatal music which can stimulate your baby’s senses and reduce the stress brought by pregnancy. This can be considered as a special bonding experience for you and your unborn baby.

At 36 weeks to delivery

Your body:

You are few weeks away to giving birth! You will have more difficulty catching some sleep plus you will observe that your ankle and foot are doubling their sizes. This is the good moment to practice the skills you learn when you enrolled at childbirth classes during the time you entered the third trimester. You can attend additional classes if you decide to try natural birthing methods like water birthing or hypnobirthing. Review your plan on how you will go to the hospital and who are the people who will attend to you in case the partner is not around. In case you are still working at this point, you can inform your boss and workmates about your maternity leave plans so your office can adjust accordingly.

Your baby:

Almost all of the baby’s important organs, including kidney, liver, and lungs are in order. At 38 weeks, the baby is coated with the white sticky substance called vernix caseosa which will serve as a lubricating agent to facilitate delivery. This baby will eventually shed this white coating after birth. The baby has now reached full term as week 39 arrives. Be aware for signs of labor like regular contractions, dilating of the cervix, and the “bloody show”. Water breaking may come after the passing of the mucus plug.

The post Be Aware of the Pregnancy Symptoms by Week appeared first on ParentsNeed.

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