Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Do You Think You Spend Enough Quality Time With Your Family

Do You Think You Spend Enough Quality Time With Your Family?

Do you think you spend enough *quality* time with your family? Those of you that said yes are far from alone. A study carried out by home improvements company Stormclad found that 66% of adults in the US think they do spend enough quality time with their loved ones. 

Unfortunately other studies show that many of us who believe that, may well be wrong.

If we add up everything the average person does day-to-day – commuting, working, sleeping, relaxing, and looking after the house – there is no room left for quality family time. In fact, if you’d like to enjoy just a couple of hours a day of quality family time you’d need… a 30 hour day!

So what are we doing that’s so much more important than interacting with our families (smart phones, anyone..?) And how can we change the way we interact to ensure the time we do get to spend together counts?

The infographic below breaks down the data in detail to show how most of us are spending our time, as well as what we can do differently to make more of the time we have with our loved ones.

Spending Quality Time With Your Family

The post Do You Think You Spend Enough Quality Time With Your Family appeared first on ParentsNeed.

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