Friday, December 22, 2017

Top 5 Best Stethoscopes | 2017 Reviews

Top 5 Best Stethoscopes | 2017 Reviews

Whether you are a doctor or just an average medical student, you need one device that will get you through the entire medical setting mainly known as the stethoscope. Stethoscopes are created for the purpose of hearing the state of your heartbeat and your breathing. Not just those. Actually, it is like a small acoustic device that allows you to listen to the internal sounds of a person's body—and even animals too. It is a simple device that doesn't really need any added digital technology to it. A stethoscope has three parts: the earpieces, the chest piece that serves as a resonator, the tubing that transmits the sound from the resonator all the way to the earpieces. This is where you get to listen closely to what is happening inside the body.

A stethoscope is a major device used for a routine check-up when the doctor listens to your heartbeat, breathing and even your abdominal sounds. This is a medical process called auscultation. When you listen using a stethoscope, you can identify if there is an abnormality in the way your heart sounds in pumping blood, your breathing is abnormal, your bowel movement sounds out of place or your blood vessels sounds nothing like normal. And through this, your doctor requires you to undergo additional tests.

We came up with a list of the best stethoscopes used by doctors and various medical students. We listed down the most popular, best acoustics and also the best quality stethoscopes. We came up with our usual list of five so you will save more time in looking for the best and most appropriate stethoscope for your needs.

Quick Comparison Table

3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope

Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope

MDF Premium Dual Head Stethoscope

ADC Adscope 600 Platinum Series Stethoscope

MABIS Fetal Stethoscope Fetoscope

3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope
Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope
MDF Premium Dual Head Stethoscope
ADC Adscope 600 Platinum Series Stethoscope
MABIS Fetal Stethoscope Fetoscope






28 inches

22 inches

21 inches

22 inches

22 inches

Machined Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel


Stainless Steel


Sprague Rappaport




Best Cardiology Stethoscope

Best Quality for Value

Best for Average Use Stethoscope

Best for Portability

Best Fetal Stethoscope

3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope

3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope

There are so many types of stethoscopes: Veterinary Stethoscope, Fetal Stethoscope, Fetal Doppler, Stethophone and acoustic or cardiology stethoscope. The cardiology stethoscope is the most common stethoscope that we use. This is the one we always see around the doctor's neck. It's like a doctor's lifetime partner and what better partner you can get if you choose to buy a Littman Stethoscope.

Littman Stethoscopes are the best stethoscope brand that makes top-quality stethoscopes with great resonance. We love that it is simple but does the job better than 90% of its competitors. In fact, Littman stethoscopes have become the golden standard for making the best stethoscopes all around the world. And with that brand name, it doesn't quite come cheap.

One of the best things about the 3M Littman Classic II stethoscope is the sound. You can hear a clear sound of what lurks beneath the skin. We love that this item has a tunable diaphragm technology. It means that you can listen to different frequencies by just pressing on the chest piece. If you lightly press on it, you can hear low-frequency sounds. If you press a little harder, then you can listen to higher frequency sounds.

Your patients will also love that it isn't ice cold when you press the chest piece against their skin. It is comfortable and very much easy and simple to use. Another thing you will love as a medical practitioner is the earpieces - simple, soft and comfy. That way, at least you can settle with a great model and a lifetime partner in your medical career.

The Littman brand can last a lifetime and for sure, you will love that it will become your best friend from the beginning until the end. We know that you will only replace this stethoscope once Littman releases a much better one. And for that reason, this is our top best stethoscope. It is the best-rated stethoscope for nurses, the best stethoscope for doctors and the best stethoscope for multipurpose use.

Details of 3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope


1.8 x 6.6 x 12.8 inches


4.8 ounces

Tubing Length

28 inches


Machined Stainless Steel




Best Cardiology Stethoscope

Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope

Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope

Cheap value and great quality are reasons why love this item, but you must know that this is the best Cardiology Stethoscope in our list. It is good to pair up with the best blood pressure monitors. Omron is another great brand the produces top-quality medical equipment at prices that are more comfortable in the pocket, and the Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope is not an exception.

The Omron Stethoscope sports a Sprague Rappaport-type of a stethoscope which is made of stainless steel body with a chrome plated chest piece and latex-free tubing. This is so far the only Omron stethoscope that we have come across but it sure is a great quality one. We love that it works perfectly as a manual blood pressure reader. If you happen to have forgotten your blood pressure monitor but have your own kit with you, then the Omron Stethoscope seems to be the perfect one for the job.

We love that it comes with so many accessories. For a cheap price, you get to have a top quality stethoscope but also get more than that. You get in a vinyl storage case: two sizes of diaphragms, three open bells, two pairs of ear tips. Once we got this, we immediately replaced the earpiece with the spare. The one that Omron stethoscope comes with is pretty hard but if you change it with the spare which is softer, it's a complete comfort from then on. The sound quality is just as perfect and superb as our top contender.

If you think that the price is equivalent to quality... you are completely wrong. We love getting the Omron because the quality is just as good as our top contender but is also replaceable. If you are working in a hospital, you know what we mean. It is so common for someone to lose their stethoscope and it gets even more frustrating if you happen to lose an expensive stethoscope. The Omron is made to be replaceable but if you do manage to keep it from being taken or from getting lost, you will have this for a good 3 to five years of use. This is definitely a top rated stethoscope for nurses and one of the best stethoscopes you will ever get your hands on. And that is why we rank it as our second best stethoscope.

Details of Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope


3.7 x 1.9 x 0.7 inches


10.4 ounces

Tubing Length

22 inches


Stainless Steel


Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope


Best Quality for Value

MDF Premium Dual Head Stethoscope

MDF Premium Dual Head Stethoscope

One of the ways that help us identify if your infant's nasal congestion is a simple case of colds or a developing infection is through the use of a stethoscope. Listening to the breathing of our kids using a stethoscope and identifying if the breathing has an obstruction in the lungs can easily give us an idea if our child is suffering from simple colds or infection. And what better way to listen to a child's heartbeat than distracting your little one with a nice looking shiny stethoscope.

One of the selling points of this particular Stainless steel stethoscope is the way it is made. It is handcrafted. The MDF instruments hand makes their products since its inception in 1971. It boasts handmade materials from the 100% high-quality stainless steel frame to the latex-free tubing, all the way to the chest piece. We immediately fell in love with it the moment we saw it.

Once you get it from the box, you will see the three different sizes of ear tips. One thing we love about it is that it has a comfort seal. Not everyone has the same sized ears and we love that it has small, medium and large comfort seal earpieces. We know how hard ear tips can be against the ears but not this one because it uses silicone—which is somehow similar to earphone pieces. It is very gentle on the ears and provides good hearing from the chest piece.

The entire material is hand polished. It is comfortable and simply fairly easy to handle from the get-go. The sound quality is great, but not superb. You will love that MDF products showcase a lifetime replacement of parts. You will have a constant supply of earpieces, chest piece parts, and nametag. This MDF Stethoscope is really beautiful too because it is rose gold plated. You can choose other designs with a 22K gold plate, all black out, rose gold and along with differently colored tubing. For those reasons, this is one of the best stethoscopes in the market on our spot number 3.

Details of MDF Premium Dual Head Stethoscope


12.52 x 1.61 x 1.14 inches


14 ounces

Tubing Length

21 inches


Stainless Steel




Best for Average Use Stethoscope

ADC Adscope 600 Platinum Series Stethoscope

ADC Adscope 600 Platinum Series Stethoscope

The best way of understanding whether your internal organs is working just fine or that your heartbeat is beating just fine is by listening to what's happening inside especially if you are pregnant. The best time to listen to how well your child is doing using a stethoscope is during your second trimester of pregnancy. The heart is already fully developed and has a steady rhythm of beating that record and can easily be heard especially with this stethoscope.

One of the best features the ADC stethoscope can boast for is the superb sound quality. The chest piece is made of a precision machined stainless steel chest piece that can detect great auscultation of the heart. It also sports a bi-lumen or dual channel headset. This allows the resounding acoustics to pass through the tubing in optimal quality. It also has an adjustable frequency technology. The ADC Adscope Stethoscope uses a compact sculpted design that allows us to tune into the diaphragm to enhance the high-quality and low-quality frequency.

Compared to most stethoscopes, this one in particular, has wider tubing that allows you to have a more resounding acoustics. And aside from that, it also uses an aluminum frame as compared to the typical stainless steel. This then is pretty much lighter than most stethoscopes. The rugged construction makes it pretty durable too and it is a great companion for very frequent use. So, if you are a medical practitioner of any field, then this is definitely a great pal to hang around your neck. It is pretty strong and also very light. Unfortunately, it won't make much of a defense weapon like some other expensive stethoscopes that can be used to knock robbers out cold.

By the way, we love its design too. It's pretty sleek and unique to the ADC brand. It is a single chest piece though, but it is still a top quality item. It also has different styles and colors to choose from to add to that personal touch. That makes a great item even better in terms of customization. It may be a great thing to have but the price is pretty high. The quality is great but not great enough to match our top two contenders in this list. However, it is a good stethoscope and it is ranked fourth on our list of top rated stethoscopes for medical students.

Details of ADC Adscope 600 Platinum Series Stethoscope


14.5 x 1.6 x 6.8 inches


4.51 ounces

Tubing Length

22 inches






Best for Portability and Lightweight

MABIS Fetal Stethoscope Fetoscope

MABIS Fetal Stethoscope Fetoscope

An ordinary stethoscope not also listens to your baby inside but it can also listen to your heartbeat along with other sounds. A fetal stethoscope is pretty specific in what it can do. It can focus on the sounds of what is happening in the womb giving you a clearer idea of what is going on inside. It does pretty well in listening to the fetus inside of you at around 20 weeks of age. We love that it can really focus in the heartbeat of your little one inside like a Doppler.

Some fetal stethoscopes are only trumpet like items that you put against the womb and listen with your ears but it can only be done by other people and not you. With this stethoscope, you can also listen to your own baby's heartbeat without the use of a Doppler. You and your hubby can listen to your baby inside without putting much effort. However, it does come with a very significant problem in the earpiece because it is really tough and hard. It's like inserting a bullet in your ears but that can be resolved. You can purchase earpieces online and just prepare them. It is pretty compatible with most stethoscope earpieces so that's just an added hassle but still, it does the job of making you listen to your baby.

This fetal stethoscope is pretty light and you can use it constantly if you really want to hear your baby's heartbeat for a long time. It can be relaxing to do that especially if you happen to stress out a bit about a lot of stuff like most pregnant moms do. Anyway, it is made of high-quality stainless steel and latex-free tubing. The sound may not be as loud as you think it may be but it is pretty accurate in resounding if you are in a quiet room.

Well, if using a fetal stethoscope is not your thing, then you can opt to buy a fetal Doppler instead. That way, you don't have to keep moving the stethoscope around and shoving the hard earpieces all the time to listen to your baby's heartbeat or movement. Still, this is a great fetal stethoscope. It gets the job done just right and that is why it completes our list of five best stethoscopes Amazon has in store.

Details of MABIS Fetal Stethoscope Fetoscope


29 x 5.1 x 1.8 inches


6.4 ounces

Tubing Length

22 inches


Stainless Steel




Best Fetal Stethoscope

Stethoscopes are the primary devices that help doctors have an idea if your body is working well. With a keen ear and a background in medicine, they can tell what is normal and what isn't. Our list of stethoscopes is the best in the market; they sport great quality and they have the best resonators. The acoustic of all these stethoscopes are all great. So, no matter which item you get, we are sure that this is going to be your companion for your years of gathering experience in medicine.

The post Top 5 Best Stethoscopes | 2017 Reviews appeared first on ParentsNeed.

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